Thursday, December 19, 2019

yes, you can use Times New Roman on your resume

yes, you can use Times New Roman on your resume yes, you can use Times New Roman on your resume A bunch of people have sent me this article making its way around the internet that claims that you shouldnt use Times New Roman on your resume.Like so much resume advice that focuses on the look of your resume rather than its substance, its wrong and you can ignore it.If you read the article closely, youll notice that this wasnt an actual study of how hiring managers perceive different fonts. They asked three typography specialists which typefaces people should use.Typography specialists people who care passionately about fonts.Not hiring managers.When are people going to stop taking hiring advice from people whoarent in charge of hiring? (Answer Never, because this approach offers endless possibilities for click-bait.)As long as you pick a professional and reasonably conservative font, your resume font doesnt matter.At least outside of the design field, no one is being particularly infl uenced by whether your you use Times New Roman over Helvetica. Theyre just not.Its true that there are some fonts that arent professional enough for a resume (hopefully at this point we dont even need to name Comic Sans), but when you hear people telling you that your resume font needs to be exciting or attention-grabbing, mark that person down as someone who doesnt understand what matters in a resume andcontinue happily on your way.And be highly, highly skeptical ofpeople telling you that hiring managers care deeply about things thatno sane hiring manager you know has ever cared about.

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